Vote for Dr. C's Thanksgiving Day Atlanta Half Marathon

Sunday, April 4, 2010

OK! I am back and bigger than ever

Hello Friends! Sorry, I have been gone so long. Life caught up with me. It is not that I have been busier than normal, but I am learning how to run while pregnant. Many of you know that I am due with with a girl in July. I have continued to run and 2 weeks ago did the ING half-marathon. That one is tough prego or not. This will be my last big race until Dallas comes in July. It has been an interesting journey running while pregnant. I did not run or exercise when I was pregnant with Savannah. It was only about 18 months after her birth that I began walking regularly and 6 months later running regularly. I am slow for sure, but that does not bother me. What I am truly encouraged by is my mental state about running. I am still motivated and keep running and running things on the brain. I feel like not only will this help me physically after the baby is born, but will help me stay in "running mode" after the baby is born. I am being very smart about all of it and taking it all in daily. I am 25 weeks as of tomorrow and have really been popping out. Some days I feel more pregnant than others, but the more than others is starting to take over. Savannah is very excited about the baby, and John is hot on house projects to get things ready. We are excited!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Do Not Worry! I'll Be Back

Hello! I'm still here. It is a busy time, it just is, and I have not had many moments at the computer. I am running, and really let my body recover from the half this time. I usually do not, but I know this will make me a better runner. I will have more to report on in January for sure. I am going to help my friend Ashley train for the ING Half in March. I am excited to be helping someone. I cannot believe I feel experienced. Ha ha.

Saturday, November 28, 2009


The Atlanta Thanksgiving Day Half was a wonderful experience. My time was exactly what I predicted 2:15. I am very excited about this. It is fun to be able to project your race times. Kellie and I had a blast running together. We had never seen each other run. We have the same background in that running is a newer thing for us. We did not have much athletic training before all this, so we figure we have more years ahead than most.
It was a chilly morning 42, but in Georgia that feels like 35. We packed a check in bag so that we would have warm clothes to change into at the end. Boy, was that smart!! We had a plan to take the first mile slow and gradually pick it up. Kellie and I were both surprised when the mile-marker said 7. We were just shocked at how quickly things had gone and how well we were doing. They gave out Jelly Belly sport beans at mile 7 and then it was down hill for a mile. Kellie picked it up, and I almost lost her. I told her at mile 9 to go ahead, and she finished with a time of 2:10. It was great to run this for the second time because I could feel the benefits of my training on hills. My hip flexors were a little sore, but my cardio was ho-hum. So I realize that for me to improve more, I just need to teach my self faster turn over. This was the first time I completely understood that. I know about speed work and tempo runs, but realizing how far I have come cardio-wise, really inspires me to want to get my legs moving. Next year, I will do this one in under 2 hours for sure!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Atlanta

Hello! Sorry I have not blogged in a few weeks. I am in taper mode, and so things are calm and resting around my running. I know my inclination to over train.... You have to run smart. My friend Kellie and I are about to fulfill a dream of ours. We are going to run together. We talked this week and decided to run the Atlanta Half instead of the full. What? Yes, I feel so confident in my marathon training, that this is not really bugging me that much to switch. We decided that with her injury recovery and our desire to stay together during the race (would not happen in the Marathon), we should do the half. It will be a blast, a dream, and a great accomplishment. Kellie headed onto the Marathon path a couple of years ago, and I told I did not think I would ever run one. But we made a pact that we would do one together at 35. Well we are 36, not bad. I cannot believe how far we have come. My health is completely different, and I owe inspiration to Kellie and her never-ending goal setting. I am looking forward to this run so much!

VOTE for my time: Garlic Roll if you are the closest
  • Last year's time: 2:40. I had just completed my first full-marathon 2 weeks earlier and was completely worn out. Probably should not have run it, but I did.
  • It is a tough course, but you know how I like the hills. I think my strategies have improved
  • I am trained for a FULL, so a half should be a piece of cake....really, what is 13 miles?
  • My legs feel completely fresh
  • I have been tapering well and eating well
  • It is thanksgiving and I'll want to get home and eat

Sunday, November 1, 2009


RESULTS! A PR on my Half-Marathon time. I ran the Silver Comet Half-Marathon in 2:08. My original goal was 2:11, so I beat that! My goal in the last 2 weeks was 2:04, and I was pretty close. With the race conditions, I was really proud of how I did. This is about 2 minutes per mile faster than last years race (a 2:28:59). I figured 1 minute for weight-loss and one for hard work over the past year and a half.
Halloween was fun for all. I started the day at 5:40 am and Kim and I headed to the race. It was about 68 degrees, so I knew that I would not need my throw away shirt (got them at goodwill for 1/2 price), and after wearing my capri pants, really had wished I had worn my running skirt. We were good for the first mile and a half before the trail began, but then it started pouring/raining/misting for a good amount of the race. I was cool with the rain since I had run my last full marathon in the rain. The rain on the capri pants created some good resistance, but the cooling temperatures were a different story. We were hot at the beginning of the race and very cold at the end. With wet clothes, it was a tough combination. I waited at the finish line about 20 minutes for my buddy Kim and we hightailed it to the buses where we waited in the rain for a ride. Finally got to the car 40 minutes later. At this point, I was shaking and my jaw was uncontrollably shaking. I think I was going hypothermic---really. The preparation paid off in that we had extra clothes packed in our "trackstar momma" bags and also had our throw away shirts---YES. We changed in the Publix and quickly bought a 12 inch sub for a snack. We ran hard, so we were hungry.
The Race: I felt good the whole race. It was funny because this being my 5th Half-Marathon, it was beginning to feel like a 10k in that it did not seem that long, and I went through the same "humps" that I did when I began running 10ks. I knew when to push and when to just stay steady. I also knew how much I had left in the tank at all times. I re-fueled with 2 Hammer Gels at Mile 4 and Mile 8. That worked well. I carried my own water like I always do and took water on the course 3 times. My watch was not picking up the correct time or pace. I think my timing chip was messing with it? So, I generally knew where I was and counted on the people calling splits. I made goals from mile to mile and was very excited to be nailing them up to mile 9. After mile 9, I slowed a little and was ok with it. This is where the flat terrain issues kicked in. I just need the terrain variety to mix it up. My legs just stayed at that pace and would not go any faster. I did some strides, and that helped, but no real bursts of speed. It was ok because I knew I was not running out of juice.
Recovery: For my full-marathon training, this week was supposed to be a 20 miler, and I definitely got the work out from the race. I have been sore in a good way and know when I run tomorrow that will help. It is funny because I have been especially hungry after this race, which means I was burning lots of glycogen. I have listened and refueled as needed.
This WEEK: a 20 miler on the horizon!

Monday, October 26, 2009

The NAME: Track Star Momma

How did I become a Track Star Momma. I realized after all these Blogs that I have not explained how my buddy Kim and I became Track Star Mommas. Early one morning, Kim and I were doing drills in the cul-de-sac, running, lifting, etc and a guy came out of nowwhere. My first thought was that we were going to have to defend ourselves, and so I mentally prepared. He stopped and asked us if we were Track Stars and then walked away..or disappeared into the morning. He did not laugh but, we did, after he left. So, the name has stayed with us, and we even got workout bags embroidered with the name. I am far from a track star.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Flat No More

I think I will no longer do my long runs (over 13 miles) on the greenways. As I mentioned before, by body does not like to run for a long period on flat terrain. I know that most people look for flat when doing long runs, but I need to re-think this for sure. When I run flat, I cramp more and am more fatigued throughout the rest of day. Today, I did a 16 mile run using my hilly 5 mile route and my neighborhood. It was awesome. Since I am supposed to slow my pace for the long runs, this course helps me do that and also the mix of terrain keeps my legs alive. I felt at the end that I could have raced to the finish line. SO, next weeks Half, I am going to keep my planned pace for 9 miles and kick it up a notch in the last 4 miles. WOW!

FUEL for TODAY: Banana before the run, 2 sample L'arabars (I'm out of gels..whoops), and 2 S-Caps. Worked great!
Recovery: Chocolate Milk! Worked great!